
The village of Arrifes came to be at a time when the city of Ponta Delgada was expanding in all directions, through the construction of new houses that evolved into new neighborhoods. To the northwest, this phenomenon resulted in the creation of the Curate of Nossa Senhora da Saúde in 1719 and the Parish and Village of Arrifes in 1833.

It started in Piedade, where João Dias Caridade established his residence. Saúde would later become the most populous area and, therefore, a Parish because it was easier to acquire land for housing there. It also benefitted from large and influential families who settled there: Afonsos, Arrudas, Benevides, Coutos… who, following the same steps, created Milagres, which became a Parish in 1959.

Originally, Arrifes was one of the favorite places for the nobility and wealthy bourgeoisie of Ponta Delgada to have their farms and summer homes. Some old buildings, property deeds and surviving members of some these families are living proof of this.